

Soulful poetry of love, romance, Life experiments in blissful trance And sage’s wisdom lost in translation – This poet hides in composition. Shared are life lessons in steadiness In pursuit of a life free of stress – Sans indulgences of joy and grief – Like a water drop on lotus leaf. Read more about the…



If you have remarks, queries, O’ friend, do convey all here, If to share you have stories, This poet then waits to hear! Think not we are strangers still For these poems, when are read, The verses shall loop your will Through a lucent secret thread. Then subtle thoughts that you feel Shall mix in…

Poet’s Note

Poet’s Note

If you like the dance of words wild O’ friend, do come again for more, And probe lines this poet has styled Of tales retold and unheard lore Of partings without goodbyes bade And adventures in mystic lands Of strange meetings in roadside shade And ballads sung with nomad bands. To bury secrets in subtext…

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