

The muffled glory of early spring The dancing heart; a romance quote The memories it tries to bring Oh, now that I miss her a lot! I would advise dear friends Never try to fall in love, My aching heart ne’er mends – Troubles me more through the grove… Why my friends I cannot hear…

For Love

For Love

How time passes makes no point A soul drenched in love and love For daydreamers, time is the joint See how through time I drove… My words for her ne’er exhaust now Every time I do think of her Help me forget, help me how Her quietness is what troubles me more. “My heart burns…

Happiness Enough

Happiness Enough

When heart forgets to make a beat When eyes meet with a tranquil smile And you go weak in your very feet Signs, I say of a Lover’s profile. As if nothing happened you act bold You mumble and fumble the words said You shiver a bit (not out of cold!) Mind ceases! I call…

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