Ensalada de Vegan

Ensalada de Vegan

Hardly out of college, as a strapping the boot entrepreneur, thanks to Govt of Chile that had decided to seed fund our ‘just out of dorm startup’, I had shifted to a country where not all locals spoke Inglés. We had cajoled ourselves that it should be pretty easy to fly across the equator to…

Chapter 26: Transcendence

Chapter 26: Transcendence

“What did the Sadhu mean by ‘a long way’?” his analytical mind tried to decipher the cryptic message. “Is there no end to my suffering”, he thought aloud as the Sadhu took a Bilva leaf from the pile of leaves beside him, closed his eyes, smelled it with a long draw of breath and threw…

Chapter 24: Dawn

Chapter 24: Dawn

En-route the long awaited destination, a four hour cab ride along the bumpy road, as he looked out of the window of the taxi, passing by small towns and villages, he saw people hustling the traffic at signals, street hawkers competing to sell their wares, school children scurrying across the road. “Everyone busy in their…

Chapter 22: Seeking

Chapter 22: Seeking

He was nodding his head, still in disbelief, still in denial, eyes closed, in a futile attempt to unravel the mystery behind the reasoning of life ~ a question that for millennia has troubled intellectuals. Unable to control the train of thoughts that had started meddling with his mind, he paced back and forth across…

Chapter 18: Insignificance

Chapter 18: Insignificance

Shona had not returned his calls. The day had receded into a gloomy, melancholic night. He stood in the balcony of his apartment, staring at the lights of the slow moving traffic on flyover, his individuality diffused into the haste urban population. A sense of self-pity arose. As he kept staring into the traffic unconscious…



O’ ye heart who will you love – Thoughts in dope or people dear, Or castles built in dream’s cove Or bodies lured by lust’s steer? “Objects of desire to remain Chained by Love’s eternal rope” Hold no thus belief in vain Since naïve is all search hope. Guiled by the mind you ponder, As…

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