Poet's Note

Poet’s Note

If you like the dance of words wild
O’ friend, do come again for more,
And probe lines this poet has styled
Of tales retold and unheard lore

Of partings without goodbyes bade
And adventures in mystic lands
Of strange meetings in roadside shade
And ballads sung with nomad bands.

To bury secrets in subtext –
Into life this poet plunges deep,
For trysts inspire the fable next
And fervent acts memories keep.

Read to relive those moments rare
Lucid verses that joy express
With this modest poet’s act of dare
Embark an adventure no less.

Why zealous thoughts do pleasure weave
And calm minds can great focus show
And why acts of love delight give,
This quest is to share what wise know

For, unasked, the wise seldom speak,
And this poet has no nerve here,
For those who know not how to seek
Words of wise this fool recites mere!

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