Four Ghatikas - Epilogue


The muffled glory of early spring
The dancing heart; a romance quote
The memories it tries to bring
Oh, now that I miss her a lot!

I would advise dear friends
Never try to fall in love,
My aching heart ne’er mends –
Troubles me more through the grove…

Why my friends I cannot hear
The chaunt of birds that filled my heart
Oh, the trouble, forgive me dear!
I never parsed we will ever part.

O’ ye birds, brook and trees –
Someone ask her to forgive me
The fragrance that brings the breeze –
Beseech her to forgive me…

I find no solace in the flowered vale
Oh, dear tree, embrace me more!
I cannot stand radiance with eyes pale
My eyes I close, help me bear.

That then I dreamt, I do not doubt
But I felt her here beside me
And it was she, and she all about,
That was enough to make me glee…

And with the early glory of spring’s grace
My heart I felt, my troubles gone!
And then I saw my face…
Flash in the setting sun.

There, again, I felt Love’s grace
And that never was its radiance gone
Since that’s when I saw my face
Flash in the setting sun…

And yes I saw her face
Flash in the setting sun
And I saw my face…
Flash in the setting sun.

By Swetansu Mohapatra (Jan 2008)

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