For Love

How time passes makes no point
A soul drenched in love and love
For daydreamers, time is the joint
See how through time I drove…

My words for her ne’er exhaust now
Every time I do think of her
Help me forget, help me how
Her quietness is what troubles me more.

“My heart burns and aches a lot
None other I say my heart can win
The time we spent, you forgot
Oh, the feelings boiling in…

“How you forgot the promises made
The thoughts of love, the essence of it
Those days, the sleepless nights I had
I put forth my heart when next I meet.

“I know you love, let me once –
Let you know my heart’s plight
I beg for love, just one chance
From all these troubles help me alight.

That she loves me I never doubt
But Time’s plot has made me dearly pay
Once, just once, my heart I pour out,
And Love’s shall be the victory day!

By Swetansu Mohapatra (2007)

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