Four Ghatikas - Happiness Enough

Happiness Enough

When heart forgets to make a beat
When eyes meet with a tranquil smile
And you go weak in your very feet
Signs, I say of a Lover’s profile.

As if nothing happened you act bold
You mumble and fumble the words said
You shiver a bit (not out of cold!)
Mind ceases! I call it Loves’ Raid!

Listen my friends, a lover’s note
The peace you need will be gone
So save your life, the sinking boat
Pour out your feelings through your tone.

What’s in those eyes someone help around!
I feel solace as under a Gulmohar’s shade
My ears tingling with musical sound
That ne’er even the Cuckoo made!

The joy you then get knows no bound
But what’s in Fate I dare not see
View how Time has chained me around
Someone ask her to set me free.

The aura of Divinity around her
Oh! The thought; the happiness it brings –
Commands me to surrender more
Hear how my heart with melody sings.

My heart I keep here; hear my friends
What’s in Fate I need not see
Anything on earth that melody lends –
Is happiness enough, enough for me…

By Swetansu Mohapatra (2006)

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