Joy Forever

Joy Forever

True! Long ever things of beauty last!
Jus’ eye to eye and a smile then
And then the heart beating fast
Compose better lines than a poet can!

Every tune that pleasure brought
Every moment of joy in the grove
Every thing that lost me in thought
Made me declare: I’m in love!

I loved her madly in every sense
And sailed the visions of reality
My love was indeed love intense
But she loved the horizons of humanity.

I longed the fragrance she with her brought
And with every dream she would be mine –
She travelled in my every thought
But I was human and she Divine.

Her angelic eyes with beauty gleamed
My heart loaded with her tranquil smile
When she would be mine, the most it seemed
I found her, lost, in Nature’s profile…

Those few glances that I still remember
Still stirs my heart, makes me mad
Even now I enjoy the time spent with her
For her memory will never fade.

By Swetansu Mohapatra (2005)

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