Four Ghatikas - She Was Lost

She Was Lost

Love is in the air around
And a heart somewhere beating fast
Cheer up my friends and hear that sound
And let your happiness forever last.

See those flowers hung o’er there
White as purity of a crystal glaze
And once you look, you forever stare
And that’s what I call Romance Stage.

And the Sun on a day of Spring;
Filtering its rays through the trees above
Makes you dance, makes you sing
And in whisper says, “You are in love”.

One swift from the Autumn breeze
Fills sweetness in stale air of the grove
Yet one more, and you freeze,
With the only thoughts of your love.

And the music of water gurgling soft
Amplifies every word she spoke
Oh! Forget the irony that she was lost
And forget that your heart ever broke!

She’s ne’er lost my dear friends
Every moment her fragrance here
That the breeze brings from over lands
But for the separation… you must endure.

Wait my friends, she will come again
As your plight, so is her heart
Curse not her or Fate in vain
Love will never let you part.

By Swetansu Mohapatra (2006)

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