Idol of Boundless Grace

Idol of Boundless Grace

Part I

The wood burns with dazzling light
Showing the path that darkness hides,
Enriching ages with foresight –
With selflessness the beacon guides.

But the mortal eyes cannot see
The wood does not thus just ignite
Rather kindled by a spark free
For wood has fire hidden inside.

For the fire burns what desire mines
For the fire makes the power rise
For the fire is why the gold shines
For fire is but the sacrifice.

Part II

The magnificent lion with pride
Adorns the regal bejewelled throne
The rule that all in awe abide
Of protection in darkened zone

But the competence to nurture
That to such chaos order lays –
From fierceness to composure,
Is for the lioness at heart stays

For the heart is the seat of will
For the heart always reasons right
For the heart acts with swiftness still
For heart but holds the divine light.

Part III

The bounded form in limit sets
Intelligence that spreads across
And the quotient that life begets
Of form and function in the verse

But the in-bound limitlessness
Compassion of radiance bright
And expanded in blissfulness
Emanates from the infinite.

For the infinite unparsed stays
For the infinite all endures
For the infinite all pervades
For infinite but care ensures.

The fire, the heart, the infinite
Can mold the fabric of time and space,
Manifested veiled in plain sight,
Hail that idol of boundless grace!

Swetansu Mohapatra (Mar 2020)

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