The True Self

The True You

You are the one not bound in flesh
You are the one beyond all thoughts
You are the bee on lotus fresh
You are what stays when I alofts.

The world you see, you hear you think –
Of moments of joy and wounds sore –
See how all’s gone in an eye’s blink
Unspent riches to spend no more.

But indeed there’s a world beyond
Of everlasting bliss and love,
When in that elixir you bond
You’ll unlock the power above.

In you that mystic key remains –
Of love and compassion for all,
On removing the desire stains
The real you shall arise tall.

You are the one eyes cannot see
You are the one who supreme reigns
You are the one that’s always free –
From friends and foes, from worldly chains.

By Swetansu Mohapatra (2015)

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