Life's Want

Life’s Want

A lush of green all around there
And the breeze that swigs my mood
And there you must forever stare
For your passion, that’s the food!

Look at the sky stretched at end
A quote of ethereal beauty
Oh my friends! Hold my hand;
And come enjoy the eternity.

The dust of the road ahead
Mingles with my soul here
And there is no scope you feel sad
Or even have the slightest fear.

Every tree that stands in its way
And on them the little birds
And even the stream far away
Every moment your life guards!

Listen the music of rustling leaves
And in gaze of setting sun you bask
That’s what to me happiness gives
What more to life can you ask?

My life is done, here I stay
And enjoy the vision the best
And resonate myself and forever lay –
Under the vast sky, and forever rest…

By Swetansu Mohapatra

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