Awaited Home

The Awaited Home

What mellifluous voices did I hear
That brought me to this lovely land
Ah, my heart! Let the clouds clear
And unveil the presence of Destiny’s hand.

Nature’s wish to bless us dear
Remember comes very rare,
Iff your heart is enough pure
For her blessings you may dare.

The rising sun o’er distant wood
And the fading fog over there
Is all enough to change your mood
And this chance comes really rare.

See how the wood with twitters fill
Hear how the brook rushes past
View how the sky does your senses steal!
And enjoying trees their shadows cast.

The tenderness of the stalks flowered
And in-store beauty of the buds
The humility of boughs lowered
Portray the presence of a hundred gods.

Do you have a heart to receive this?
My friends, when, when will you come
With an eye that hears and ear that sees
When will you come to your awaited home?

By Swetansu Mohapatra (Nov 2004)

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