Expressions of Love

Inexpressible Expressions

Her words spoken in cheerful tone
Love feels like the music of trance
Her steps taken in amor’s zone
Love feels like the set rhythm of dance.
Her lively moves so seductive
Love feels like an unending dream
Her pretty smile so inductive
Love feels like eden’s fragrant stream.

Her hug as she beside you lies
Love feels like one cradled to sleep
Her glance marked by enchanting eyes
Love feels like one lost in gaze deep.
Her scent still mind invigorates
Love feels like the first smell of rain
Her figure vision celebrates
Love feels like the bright full moon’s reign.

When you twine her fingers to press
Love feels like firmness of oak tree
When you hold her breasts to caress
Love feels like smoothness of the bree.
When you touch her beautiful lips
Love feels like the timeless vector
When you taste her wonderful lips
Love feels like the taste of nectar.

When you feel her deep devotion
Love feels like an adventure bold
When you feel her keen emotion
Love feels like tryst with heart of gold
When you witness her unstained thoughts
Love feels like charm of purity
When you witness her in love’s knots
Love feels like a rare rarity!

The power of that adhesion
See, love is not a game for meek
The shower of that affection
See, love is but a fearless peak.
The glitter of that liveliness
See, love is not a story dry
The promise of that playfulness
See, love is but a soar sky high.

The taste of that sweet ambrosia
See, love is not a flavour mild
The sense of that euphoria
See, love is but a feeling wild
The warmth of that togetherness
See, love is not a moment’s lease
The passion of that bare closeness
See, love is but a carnal tease.

Oh, love without inhibitions
Else how would love as true love feel
Oh, love without reservations
Else how would love as true love seal?!
Oh, love as the kid with ice-cream
Else how would love’s innocence come
Oh, love as the sea in sun’s gleam
Else how would love’s radiance form?

Oh, love her more than she could know
Else how would love forever live
Oh, love her more than you could show
Else how would love forever give?
Oh, love as the peacock in rain
Else how would love as love express
Oh, love as the saint’s fearless fain
Else how would love as true love grace?!

How could one but truly describe
That eons could not in words parse
How could one but in verses scribe
That even for gods is so sparse
How could one but such tale retell
That minstrels could never compose
How could one but see excerpt well
That the creator to hide chose.

How could one but showcase the trance
That see in subtext loves to stay
How could one but image enhance
That infinitely spread does lay
How could one but details explain
That from super excellence flows
How could one but create again
That merged in total silence glows!

By Swetansu Mohapatra (Mar 2022)

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