Mirage of the Flying Kite

How now a letter I strive to write!
A story of the dazed flying kite
Ravaged indeed blinded in dark night
Into day abundant with pure light
Penned with secret note weather despite
Reverent in cause, hurdles inspite,
In this wild verse with grace it did fight
Yonder it rises with all its might
Above and beyond, way out of sight.

A flight conquering all mortal pride
No sane lover but would dare to ride
Driven only by faith in its stride.

Now who do you say holds the kite’s string?
In this tale that wonderment does bring
Look! It’s merely held on ground’s marking
Above the mortal spheres now harking –
Melodies filled with divine masking
But drunk in the rays of sun, basking,
Asking who controls its true soaring
Right off the ground as it was rising
A kite flyer once did hold the string.

Despite the flyer’s most expert spree
And turbulent winds that made it flee
Still the kite forever has been free
A mirage that flyer held it, see!

But who crafted this adventure play?
Out of quantum variants that lay
Usual luck’s stroke or free will, say?!
Not yet revealed, this secret does stay,
Deluding the world with logic’s way!

Illusion, such powerful a force,
No one understands but its true source.

Love stays away till fear is around
Or fear if stays, love is nowhere found!
Verily know this as true love’s sound,
Endless bliss for is surrender bound!

Swetansu Mohapatra (Sep 2022)

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