Nine Years - A Ballad

A Ballad of Nine

For nine years, he lost himself,
See how nurtured by Lie’s care
For nine years he lied to self,
And then his heart he laid bare.

For, nine times he had the chance
To rise up from every fall
For, nine times the sound of Trance
Was muffled by Senses’ call.

For nine moments led astray
Into Illusion’s grand maze,
For nine moments swayed away
The quest to find true knowledge.

For nine thoughts cuddled his mind –
Masking the upcoming pain
For nine thoughts more than did bind:
A lifetime’s suffering strain.

For nine, the years did progress
Sans warning of attached stakes
For nine, he’ll be lost unless
Desire’s endless cycle breaks.

By Swetansu Mohapatra (Jul 2016)

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