Dawn - Nine Years

Chapter 24: Dawn

En-route the long awaited destination, a four hour cab ride along the bumpy road, as he looked out of the window of the taxi, passing by small towns and villages, he saw people hustling the traffic at signals, street hawkers competing to sell their wares, school children scurrying across the road.

“Everyone busy in their own ways, trying to make life work for themselves, some more than others, but trying nevertheless. Eventually all shall submit to life itself”, he observed with a silent gaze.

For a moment as he questioned the meaning of life, a cocktail of mixed emotions – of belongingness, pain, momentary happiness, regret, love, hurt, joy, grief, forgiveness, anger, and sorrow, hit him. A part of his life flashed in front of his eyes in moments. “Life”, he sighed again.

A few minutes later as the taxi moved forward in the journey, along a ghat road, he came across a magnificent scenery: Dense clouds partially hid the mountains far off and completely hid the vale below. The only thing clearly visible was the immediate road before his eyes, before it turned again.

Something about the view made all his thoughts recede into oblivion and he found himself dumbfounded, transfixed at the sublimity of that amazing imagery, with a newly found inability to contemplate.

His mind had attained an unexplainable peace – something he realized only later.

The same road, the same taxi, the same journey continued. As the taxi moved forward, sceneries changed again, but he yearned for that moment of nothingness, to be lost in that transcendence, that void of peace, forever.

The taxi would not stop, the road would not end. It was then, as he closed his eyes again, a great truth about life dawned on him.

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