

If you have remarks, queries, O’ friend, do convey all here, If to share you have stories, This poet then waits to hear! Think not we are strangers still For these poems, when are read, The verses shall loop your will Through a lucent secret thread. Then subtle thoughts that you feel Shall mix in…

Poet’s Note

Poet’s Note

If you like the dance of words wild O’ friend, do come again for more, And probe lines this poet has styled Of tales retold and unheard lore Of partings without goodbyes bade And adventures in mystic lands Of strange meetings in roadside shade And ballads sung with nomad bands. To bury secrets in subtext…



The vigour in the calmness And vastness in the limit The clear message of silence And brute strength under the sweet The words said with lips unmoved And music from sound unstruck The dance moves that still feet grooved And stares unmet that love struck The resilience that faith brings And assurance that hope gives…

Chapter 26: Transcendence

Chapter 26: Transcendence

β€œWhat did the Sadhu mean by β€˜a long way’?” his analytical mind tried to decipher the cryptic message. β€œIs there no end to my suffering”, he thought aloud as the Sadhu took a Bilva leaf from the pile of leaves beside him, closed his eyes, smelled it with a long draw of breath and threw…

Chapter 24: Dawn

Chapter 24: Dawn

En-route the long awaited destination, a four hour cab ride along the bumpy road, as he looked out of the window of the taxi, passing by small towns and villages, he saw people hustling the traffic at signals, street hawkers competing to sell their wares, school children scurrying across the road. β€œEveryone busy in their…

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